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Exercising with Yello and Jamaica Moves: Workout Fun for Kids

by Stephanie Koathes May 18, 2020

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Contributed by Jamaica Moves.

Many of the diseases prevalent in Jamaican society are lifestyle-related. Healthy habits, such as exercising regularly, get started at a young age. Get your children moving with this simple, but fun workout designed by Jamaica Moves with the little ones in mind.

Here is a six-exercise circuit for kids – and you can do it with them!

Children should not rest until they do all six exercises. Rest for 60-120 seconds in between each round of the six exercises.

Run in place:

Stand in one spot and alternately lift each knee to the level of your hip in quick succession as if you are running but in one spot.

Butt kicks:

Stand in one spot and alternately lift each leg behind you to try and hit your heel into your butt in quick succession as if you are running but in one spot.

Star jumps/jumping jacks:

From a standing position, jump and raise your hands to the side while spreading your legs apart. Then jump again to return to a standing position with your hands by your side and your feet together.


Lay on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. You might need a partner to hold your legs or put your feet under a couch or other sturdy hard-to-move object. Place your hands across your chest and lift your back off the floor, bringing your upper body to your knees, then slowly lower yourself back down.


Get down on the floor with your upper body propped up on your elbows and forearms, then lift your hips up so only your elbows, forearms and your toes are touching the floor. Try to have your body in a straight line from your head to your feet. Make sure not to raise your hips too high or have them too close to the floor.

We hope you and your kids have fun with this workout and feel energised! Working out is part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and so is eating well, check out these tips from a dietician on eating healthy while stuck at home.

And don’t forget to check out Jamaica Moves on Twitter and Instagram.