A data warehouse is an enterprise system used for the analysis and reporting of structured and semi-structured data from multiple sources, such as point-of-sale transactions, marketing automation, customer relationship management, and more.
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Data Warehouse

Ein Data Warehouse ist eine für Analysezwecke optimierte zentrale Datenbank, die Daten aus mehreren, in der Regel heterogenen Quellen zusammenführt. Der Begriff stammt aus dem Informationsmanagement in der Wirtschaftsinformatik. Wikipedia
Data Warehouse von www.oracle.com
A data warehouse is a type of data management system that is designed to enable and support business intelligence (BI) activities, especially analytics.
Data Warehouse von en.wikipedia.org
Data warehouses are central repositories of integrated data from one or more disparate sources. They store current and historical data in one single place that ...
A data warehouse is specially designed for data analytics, which involves reading large amounts of data to understand relationships and trends across the data.
A data warehouse pulls together data from many different sources into a single data repository for analytics and decision support.
A data warehouse is a data management system that stores data from multiple sources in a business-friendly manner for easier insights and reporting.
Data Warehouse von www.qlik.com
A data warehouse is a data management system which aggregates data from multiple sources into a single repository of highly structured historical data.
A warehouse or centralized repository which stores processed operational data, metadata, summary data, and raw data for easy user access; The addition of data ...
Data Warehouse von www.snowflake.com
A Data Warehouse is a relational database designed for analytical work. The Snowflake Data Cloud includes a pure cloud, SQL data warehouse.
Data Warehouse von www.analytics8.com
07.09.2023 · The data stored in data warehouses and data marts (OLAP) is de-normalized which allows easy aggregation, summarization, and data drill-down.