

Rich Site Summary sind Dateiformate für Web-Feeds. Sie zeigen Änderungen auf Websites, z. B. auf News-Seiten, Blogs, Audio-/Video-Logs etc. Das Akronym steht aktuell für Really Simple Syndication; vormals waren bereits andere Bedeutungen gegeben. Wikipedia
Dateinamenerweiterung: RSS
Formattypen: Content-Syndication
Weitere Fragen
Rich Site Summary (RSS) sind Dateiformate für Web-Feeds. Sie zeigen Änderungen auf Websites, z. B. auf News-Seiten, Blogs, Audio-/Video-Logs etc.
RSS is a web feed that allows users and applications to access updates to websites in a standardized, computer-readable format. Subscribing to RSS feeds can ...
With RSS.com, your podcast will get better visibility, better transcripts, better sound, better features, better support and a better price.
RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. It's an easy way for you to keep up with news and information that's important to you, and helps you avoid the ...
RSS.com Podcast Hosting - Set Up Your Podcast in Less Than 3 Minutes | RSS Podcasting.
We are pleased to announce the 20th edition of the “Robotics: Science and Systems” (RSS) conference to be held at the Delft University of Technology, Delft, ...
What is an RSS feed? An RSS feed is a stream of information that can be delivered conveniently and automatically through a simple application.
RSS is a great way to keep track of the content your favorite publishers are posting, but it also works well from the other side of the fence, too. If you're a ...
RSS, or Really Simple Syndication, method of content distribution that helps you stay up-to-date on your favorite news, blogs, websites, and social media.