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VTAM ist ein Produkt der Firma IBM. Es stellt eine der zwei bekannten Implementierungen eines so genannten SSCP oder auch Physical Unit Type 5 dar. Dieser SSCP ist der hierarchisch höchste oder auch zentrale Netzwerkknoten innerhalb der SNA. Wikipedia
Erstveröffentlichungsdatum: 1974
VTAM (engl. Virtual Telecommunications Access Method) ist ein Produkt der Firma IBM. Es stellt eine der zwei bekannten Implementierungen eines so genannten ...
VTAM provides an application programming interface (API) for communication applications, and controls communication equipment such as adapters and controllers.
This method, like dynamic definition of switched resources, relies on information obtained from the XID to create dynamically a definition of the resource.
TSO/VTAM® provides the capability of using TSO through VTAM. TSO is a standard feature in MVS™ that provides conversational time sharing. TSO/ ...
08.12.2016 · VTAM includes macro instructions that provide a consistent protocol for device connections and can use synchronous or asynchronous operations.
The VTAM interface is the Com-plete communication channel to the SNA network. It maps the terminal I/O requests to the SNA protocol corresponding to a ...
VTAM is the software component of IBM Communications Server that permits to connect terminals or client applications to mainframe applications. After many years ...
(Virtual Telecommunications Access Method) Also ACF/VTAM (Advanced Communications Function/VTAM), it is software that controls communications in an IBM SNA ...
VTAM passes security information to Top Secret at system entry. Using SAF calls, VTAM provides Top Secret with the identification and authentication ...
A listing of the many features of VTAM/Switch from MacKinney Systems that keeps users from having to log on and off of different VTAM applications.