The X Window System (X11, or simply X) is a windowing system for bitmap displays, common on Unix-like operating systems.

X Window System

Das X Window System ist ein Netzwerkprotokoll und eine Software, die Fenster auf Bitmap-Displays auf den meisten unixoiden Betriebssystemen und OpenVMS ermöglicht. X11 wurde auf allen gebräuchlichen Betriebssystemen implementiert. Wikipedia
Aktuelle Version: X11R7.7; (6. Juni 2012, darin: X.Org-Server 21.1.13, 12. April 2024)
Betriebssystem: unixoide (BSD, macOS, Linux u. a.), VMS
Programmier­sprache: C
Weitere Fragen
03.05.2023 · The X.Org project provides an open source implementation of the X Window System. The development work is being done in conjunction with the ...
18.03.2024 · X11 is the protocol that's responsible for delivering payloads between an X Client and an X Server. Fundamentally, X is a family of protocols, ...
In computing, the X Window System (commonly: X11, or X) is a network-transparent windowing system for bitmap displays. This article details the protocols ...
Description ... the X11() and x11() functions are simple wrappers to windows() for historical compatibility convenience: Calling x11() or X11() would work in most ...
The application runs on a cluster node and sends drawing instructions to the X Server on your computer. When you communicate with the GUI displayed on your ...
09.03.2024 · Xorg looks in several directories for configuration files. /usr/local/etc/X11/ is the recommended directory for these files on FreeBSD. Using ...
Together with supporting libraries and applications, it forms the X11.app that Apple shipped with OS X versions 10.5 through 10.7. Quick Download. Download ...
Under X11, the desktop environment's window manager is responsible for placing windows and drawing window decorations such as title bars and frames. Under ...
Featuring a natural cotton face combined with our X3 laminate construction, X-Pac® X11 provides a soft, cotton feel and appearance with added waterproof and low ...