Response time includes the time taken to transmit the inquiry, process it by the computer, and transmit the response back to the terminal. Response time is frequently used as a measure of the performance of an interactive system.
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Antwortzeit bezeichnet in der Computertechnik die Zeitspanne zwischen dem Absenden einer Nachricht am Computer und dem Empfang des ersten Zeichens der zugehörigen Antwort am Terminal. Wikipedia
In technology, response time is the time a system or functional unit takes to react to a given input. Contents. 1 Computing; 2 Real-time systems ...
Response time may refer to: The time lag between an electronic input and the output signal which depends upon the value of passive components used.
Response time refers to the amount of time it takes for a server to respond to a client's request. Measured in milliseconds, the timer starts from the moment a ...
a measure of the time it takes to react to something: The emergency service response time has improved in the past three months.
28.02.2024 · Response time refers to the time it takes for a server to respond to a request, usually measured in milliseconds. It focuses on the server's ...
Response time for monitors is the time it takes to shift from one color to another. This is usually measured in the time it takes to go from black to white back ...
04.10.2023 · ART benchmarks for SMS · Unacceptable: Over 1 hour · Blow average: 1 hour · Average: 10 minutes · Above average: Under 5 minutes · Stellar: ...
Reaction time depends on various factors: Perception: Seeing, hearing, or feeling a stimulus with certainty is essential to having good reaction time.
The time it takes for a system to respond to a request, typically measured from the moment the request is sent until the response is received.