

Die Kraniche sind eine Familie aus der Ordnung der Kranichvögel. Der in Mittel- und Nordeuropa heimische Vertreter dieser Ordnung ist der Graue Kranich. Mit ihrem langen Hals und ihren langen Beinen erinnern Kraniche äußerlich an Stelzvögel, mit... Wikipedia
Spannweite: Kranich: 1,8 – 2,4 m, Südafrika-Kronenkranich: 2 m und Paradieskranich: 1,8 – 2 m
Höhe: Kranich: 100 – 130 cm, Südafrika-Kronenkranich: 100 cm und Paradieskranich: 100 – 120 cm
Länge: Südafrika-Kronenkranich: 100 – 110 cm
Wissenschaftlicher Name: Gruidae
Familie: Kraniche
Klasse: Vögel (Aves)

Weitere Fragen
Cranes von en.wikipedia.org
Cranes are a type of large bird with long legs and necks in the biological family Gruidae of the order Gruiformes. The family has 15 species placed in four ...
Cranes, a restaurant and sake lounge in Washington DC's Penn Quarter neighborhood, explores the intersection of Spanish and Japanese cuisines.
Cranes von savingcranes.org
Crane conservation remains a daunting challenge. Cranes are among the most endangered families of birds in the world, with ten of the fifteen species ...
CraneTrader.com is your one-stop source for buying and selling new and used crane lifting equipment. Buyers can find crane and lifting equipment of all types, ...
Cranes von en.wikipedia.org
Cranes are tall wading birds in the family Gruidae. Cranes are found on every continent except for South America and Antarctica and inhabit a variety of ...
Cranes von savingcranes.org
A: No. In the wild, crane chicks follow their parents and are fed by them. Chicks peck food from their parents' beaks. When the crane chicks are two to three ...
Cranes von www.allaboutbirds.org
These tall, gray-bodied, crimson-capped birds breed in open wetlands, fields, and prairies across North America. They group together in great numbers, filling ...
Cranes von seaworld.org
Cranes are tall birds with long legs, necks and usually long bills. They resemble herons and egrets in body shape, but tend to have heavier bodies. Cranes are ...
The sandhill crane (Grus canadensis) is among the oldest living species of birds, dating back 2.5 million years. Today, it is an endangered species in Ohio.
Cranes von www.allaboutbirds.org
Sandhill Cranes are very large, tall birds with a long neck, long legs, and very broad wings. The bulky body tapers into a slender neck; the short tail is ...