Golden Oriole von en.wikipedia.org
The Eurasian golden oriole (Oriolus oriolus), also called the common golden oriole, is the only member of the Old World oriole family of passerine birds ...


Der Pirol ist ein Singvogel aus der Gattung der Eigentlichen Pirole innerhalb der Familie der Pirole. Die Männchen sind leuchtend gelb gefärbt, wohingegen die Weibchen eher unscheinbar sind. Die Art ist ein waldbewohnender Brutvogel im Norden und... Wikipedia
Erhaltungszustand: Ungefährdet (Stabil)
Wissenschaftlicher Name: Oriolus oriolus
Gelegegröße: 3 – 6
Gewicht: 79 g (Erwachsener)
Art: Pirol
Ordnung: Sperlingsvögel (Passeriformes)

Male unmistakable: golden-yellow with black wings and tail; female and immature greenish yellow overall with dusky wings and variable, fine dark streaking ...
Golden Oriole von www.rspb.org.uk
A Blackbird-sized bird, the male has an unmistakable bright yellow body with black wings. Golden Orioles are very secretive birds and keep to the high tree ...
Golden Oriole von en.wikipedia.org
The Indian golden oriole (Oriolus kundoo) is a species of oriole found in the Indian subcontinent and Central Asia. The species was formerly considered to ...
The female is dull greenish-yellow overall with dirty brown/green wings and a completely yellowish tail. Both males and females have red iris. Most often found ...
Golden Oriole von avibirds.com
01.06.2023 · Everything to know about the golden oriole: · Scientific name: Oriolus oriolus. · Weight: around 70 g. · Wingspan: 43 – 48 cm. · Age: 7 years.
Golden Oriole von animalia.bio
Males of this species are golden yellow in color with black wings that have yellow-tipped coverts. Females are almost greenish with a yellowish-white belly.
Golden Oriole von www.bto.org
Formerly a rare but regular breeder, the Golden Oriole is now a scarce visitor, most commonly reported in the spring, from April to the middle of June.
Golden Oriole von www.vogelwarte.ch
The closest relatives of the exotic looking Eurasian Golden Oriole live in the tropics of Africa and Asia. Despite its conspicuous yellow and black plumage, ...
Golden Oriole von a-z-animals.com
The Golden Oriole is a bird that is predominantly found throughout Europe and western Asia but also in parts of Africa. The Golden Oriole is a summer migrant ...