Fugu is a graphical frontend for the text-based Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) client that ships with Mac OS X. SFTP is similar to FTP, but the entire ...
25.04.2011 · [KERNEL]TalonDEV 0.5.1-RC1 ( [OC/UV][Voodoo Color & Sound v10][ZRAM][EXT4] TalonDEV is an i9000 reoriented kernel for use with I9000 ...
The first release candidate of MEPISLite 3.3.2-1 is ready for testing: "MEPISLite 3.3.2-1 rc1 has been uploaded to the testing subdirectory at the MEPIS ...
12.07.2018 · Swiss Army knife for Docker. Contribute to mattes/fugu development by creating an account on GitHub.
Es fehlt: 1rc1 | Suchen mit:1rc1
... 1.1 aqua/ArpSpyX AssignmentTrackerX @2.0beta3.1 ... fugu @1.2.0 aqua/fugu gimp-app @2.6.11 aqua/gimp ... 1rc1 python/py-nltk py-nose @1.0.0 python/py-nose py ...
1.1." \t. BRA11•.~='". \Ian ager of Cafctl·ria ... V 1Rc1:-;1A Rosi:: Br::A~IER. Latin Club, 3, 4, 5 ... Fugu- so11, l/a:.el Ti11sley, .\"a(Jmi Gregsu11, l ...
FuguIta, Funtoo, Garuda, Gecko, Gentoo, GhostBSD, Gnoppix, GParted ... 1.1.1q; OpenSSH has been updated to 9.1p1; the ... 1-rc1.iso (619MB, MD5, torrent). 2007-12- ...
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