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Schiff Argo

Das Sternbild Schiff Argo, lat. Argo Navis, ist heute nicht mehr gebräuchlich. Es setzte sich aus den heutigen Sternbildern Achterdeck des Schiffs, Kiel des Schiffs und Segel des Schiffs zusammen. Das Schiff Argo wurde von Ptolemäus eingeführt,... Wikipedia
Anzahl der Sterne heller als 3 mag: 12
Hellster Stern (Größe): Canopus (−0,62)
Lateinischer Name: Argo Navis
Weitere Fragen
Das Sternbild Schiff Argo, lat. Argo Navis, ist heute nicht mehr gebräuchlich. Es setzte sich aus den heutigen Sternbildern Achterdeck des Schiffs (Puppis), ...
Argo Navis von en.wikipedia.org
Argo Navis (the Ship Argo), or simply Argo, is one of Ptolemy's 48 constellations, now a grouping of three IAU constellations. It is formerly a single large ...
Argo Navis Elementary & Middle School combines the power of research-driven techniques with experiential learning to create a powerful new path which ...
Argo Navis is a 75 ft luxury catamaran — the last commercial sailing vessel built in Key West, Florida. We sail year-round from the Key West Historic ...
Argo Navis von web.pa.msu.edu
This is a large and ancient constellation of the southern skies. The constellation of Argo Navis represents the ship that Jason and the Argonauts used ...
Argo Navis von www.wildcard-innovations.com.au
Argo Navis™ allows you to save, label and switch between four sets of setup parameters. If you own multiple mounts, you can easily share the unit between them.
Argo is a technology firm that provides services and solutions fitting your industry specific needs to obtain strategic results. We are a diverse team of ...
Argo Navis von www.constellationsofwords.com
In Greek Mythology Argo Navis represents the Ship used by Jason and fifty Argonauts to sail to fetch the Golden Fleece from Colchis (Iolcus) in the Black Sea.
Argo Navis von argonavis.rs
Our studio and production facility is located in Belgrade, Serbia. We offer design, engineering, prototyping, and production services. We are a truly unique ...
Argo Navis von www.argonavisonline.com
Argo Navis is a literary magazine based in Independence, Kansas. Our students come from all over the world. We publish their stories here.