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Cerro Baúl

Berg in Peru
Der Cerro Baúl ist ein Tafelberg in Peru. Er befindet sich in der Region Moquegua, 11 Kilometer nordöstlich von Moquegua. Da der Berg bis ungefähr zum Jahr 1000 ein Standort der Wari-Kultur war, ist er heute ein Bodendenkmal. Wikipedia
Höhe: 8.481 Fuß
Archäologen: Robert Pritzker, Donna Nash, Patrick Ryan Williams, Johny Isla, Michael E. Moseley, Nicola Sharratt, Robert Feldman
Architekt: Wari-Staat
Cerro Baúl von de.wikipedia.org
Der Cerro Baúl ist ein Tafelberg in Peru. Er befindet sich in der Region Moquegua, 11 Kilometer nordöstlich von Moquegua. Da der Berg bis ungefähr zum Jahr ...
Cerro Baúl is an ancient political outpost and ceremonial center settlement in Peru established by the pre-Incan empire called the Wari. Cerro Baúl is a ...
Cerro Baul provides the opportunity to investigate the influence Tiwanaku had on its Peruvian neighbor, not only artistically, but politically and economically ...
Bewertung (1)
Cerro Baúl ist eine archäologische Stätte in Peru, die aus der Vorinkazeit stammt und auf einem schwer zugänglichen Plateau oder Hügel liegt.
Cerro Baúl von beer-studies.com
A brewery at the top of Cerro Baúl on the southern coast of Peru brewed corn beer around 600 - 1000 AD. A colony of the Huari Empire occupied the site and ...
Bewertung (97)
Cerro El Baul is a quiet place where you can enjoy the fresh air and atomosphere. It's a very good place and it should be fun running there. But I have never ...
Cerro Baúl von www.dennisrhollowayarchitect.com
Located in the Moquequa Valley in the Ayacucho Basin of highland Peru. Elevation is c. 2567 meters (8423 feet) above sea level.
Cerro Baúl von www.nationalgeographic.com
12.12.2017 · Cerro Baúl was a politically important site for the Wari, a people who ruled a wide stretch of the Peruvian coast and Andes from about 600 to ...
Locally known as the “Masada of the Andes,” Cerro Baúl is a commanding geological mesa that towers over the Torata River in the arid sierra of the Moquegua ...
Cerro Baúl von antipode-peru.com
This hill dominates the city and it is topped with a plain, in which you access after a small walk during one hour (but it is to admit there is a quite steep ...