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Yanacocha is South America's largest gold mine, located in the province and department of Cajamarca, approximately 800 kilometers northeast of Lima, Peru.
Yanacocha Peru von en.wikipedia.org
Yanacocha is a gold mine in the Cajamarca region of the Northern Highlands of Peru. Considered to be the fourth largest gold mine in the world, ...
Yanacocha is South America's largest gold mine, located in the province and department of Cajamarca, about 800 km northeast of Lima.


(110) Bergwerk in Peru
Yanacocha ist ein Goldbergwerk im peruanischen Departement Cajamarca, das größte des amerikanischen Doppelkontinents und eines der größten und profitabelsten weltweit. Das erste Erz wurde 1993 gefördert. 2021 waren im Bergwerk Yanacocha rund 1400 Bergleute beschäftigt.
Adresse: 3 N, Peru
Öffnungszeiten: Rund um die Uhr geöffnet
Telefonnummer: +51 1 2152600
Weitere Fragen
The mine is located about 45 kilometers from Cajamarca in northern Peru on top of Yanacocha Mountain at an altitude of 4,700 meters, nestled in the Andes ...
Yanacocha Peru von de.wikipedia.org
Yanacocha (Cajamarca-Quechua: yana = „schwarz, dunkel“; qoch'a / quĉa = „See, Lagune“) ist ein Goldbergwerk im peruanischen Departement Cajamarca, ...
The Yanacocha Mine recently celebrated the pouring of its 19 millionth ounce of gold. It is said to be the world's most productive gold mine. "But behind the ...
Yanacocha Peru von ejatlas.org
Yanacocha is an open-pit, cyanide gold mine located 3,900 metres above sea level in Cajamarca. The site is operated by American multinational Newmont Mining ...
The Yanacocha mine in the Peruvian Andes is the largest and most profitable gold mine in Latin America. It was created with the.
Yanacocha is a medium-sized mine, and is the second largest gold producer in Peru. The Yanacocha Complex mined material from the Yanacocha Layback and Yanacocha ...
Yanacocha Peru von www.mining.com
08.05.2024 · World's biggest gold miner has no plans to expedite a decision on its $2.5 billion Yanacocha project.