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Ein Amalgam (altgriechisch μαλακός malakos ‚weich' mit Alpha privativum, d. h. das „Nicht-Erweichende“; nach anderer Etymologie arabisch al malagma ‚erweichende Salbe', oder al-magam aus griechisch málagma) ist in der Chemie eine Legierung des Quecksilbers.
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07.04.2024 · The meaning of AMALGAM is a mixture of different elements. How to use amalgam in a sentence.


Ein Amalgam ist in der Chemie eine Legierung des Quecksilbers. Als Amalgam im weiteren Sinne werden oft auch nicht umkehrbare Vermischungen anderer Stoffe bezeichnet, meist die Legierung mehrerer Metalle. Wikipedia
An amalgam is an alloy of mercury with another metal. It may be a liquid, a soft paste or a solid, depending upon the proportion of mercury.
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18.02.2021 · Dental amalgam is a mixture of metals, consisting of liquid (elemental) mercury and a powdered alloy composed of silver, tin, and copper.
Dental amalgam is an alloy used as a filling (restorative) material for tooth cavities caused by either decay, trauma, or other factors, and is composed of ...
noun · an alloy of mercury with another metal, esp with silver. dental amalgam · a rare white metallic mineral that consists of silver and mercury and occurs in ...
AMALGAM meaning: 1. a mixture of mercury and another metal, especially one used by dentists to repair teeth: 2. a…. Learn more.
04.03.2024 · amalgam, alloy of mercury and one or more other metals. Amalgams are crystalline in structure, except for those with a high mercury content, ...
Amalgam has been used in dentistry since about 150 years and is still being used due to its low cost, ease of application, strength, durability, ...