BBCode ("Bulletin Board Code") is a lightweight markup language used to format messages in many Internet forum software. It was first introduced in 1998.
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BBCode is a special implementation of HTML. Whether you can actually use BBCode in your posts on the forum is determined by the administrator. In addition you ...


BBCode ist eine an HTML angelehnte, jedoch vereinfachte Auszeichnungssprache, die bevorzugt für die Erstellung von Beiträgen in Webforen eingesetzt wird. BBCode ist nicht offiziell reglementiert, stellt aber wegen seiner hohen Verbreitung einen... Wikipedia
BBCode is short for Bulletin Board Code. It is used as a way for formatting posts made on message boards, blogs and more. It is similar to HTML in the sense ...
BB code is a set of tags based on the HTML language that you may already be familiar with. They allow you to add formatting to your messages in the same way as ...
BBCode tags reference In this section, a reference table for all of the more popular BBCode tags is provided. Some are considered to be standard and should ...
Bulletin Board Code (BBC) is a lightweight markup language used on many online forums or bulletin boards to format posts. It uses specific tags in square ...
BBCode WYSIWYG Editor with live preview.
ExpressionEngine supports the use of “BBCode” within your entries. BBCode is a sort of simple syntax that you can use to format your entries with bold text, ...
BB code is a widely-used system of markup that allows text to be formatted with different fonts, colors and sizes, along with other abilities like emboldening ...
07.04.2024 · BBCode (bulletin board code) is a collection of formatting tags that are used to format users' posts in the Scratch Forums and the Text Based ...