Back end (computing), the data access layer in software architecture. Back-end CASE. Back-end database, a database accessed indirectly through an external application. Back-end processor, hardware that stores and retrieves data from a database.
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In software engineering, the terms frontend and backend refer to the separation of concerns between the presentation layer (frontend), and the data access ...
03.04.2024 · A back-end developer writes code that forms the backbone of a website or app. Learn more about this career field and how to get started.
A degree in computer science or related field is not always necessary but networking, building a portfolio and actively seeking internships, junior developer ...
03.12.2023 · The back end includes the server, application, and database. So, as a back-end developer, your main gig is to keep these components in check.
15.04.2024 · The meaning of BACK END is the back part or section of something : rear end. How to use back end in a sentence.
A guide to back-end development including articles covering APIs, server-side scripting, middleware, the cloud, databases, servers, and more.
06.02.2024 · The backend (or “server side”) is the portion of the website you don't see. It's responsible for storing and organizing data, and ensuring ...
18.04.2023 · Frontend and Backend are the two most popular terms used in web development. The front end is what users see and interact with and the ...