
Aussprache lernen back·slash

a backward-sloping diagonal line (\), used to separate file and folder names in some path statements.

Weitere Fragen


Der Backslash, auch Rückstrich, seltener auch Rückschlag, Gegenschrägstrich, Rückschrägstrich, „linksseitiger“, „umgekehrter“ oder „rückwärtiger Schrägstrich“ genannt, ist das Schriftzeichen „\“. Wikipedia
The backslash \ is a mark used mainly in computing and mathematics. It is the mirror image of the common slash /. It is a relatively recent mark, ...
The backslash is not really an English punctuation mark. It is a typographical mark used mainly in computing. It is called a "backslash" because it is the ...
The meaning of BACKSLASH is a mark \ used especially in computer programming.
Backslash definition: a short oblique stroke (\), a backward slash, used in some computer operating systems to mark the division between a directory and a ...
The backslash (\) is the symbol typically found on the same key as pipe (or "vertical bar") and located above the Enter/Return key. It has been widely adopted ...