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Eine Baugruppe (lt. DIN 199 kurz Gruppe genannt) ist ein in sich geschlossener, aus zwei oder mehr Teilen oder Baugruppen niederer Ordnung bestehender Gegenstand, der in der Regel wieder zerlegbar ist.
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Baugruppe von housing.wiki
23.11.2017 · Baugruppe is a German term which literally translates as "building group," although it has also been equated to "building community.
Baugruppe von theconversation.com
21.11.2016 · Baugruppe – German for “building group” – stands for a long tradition of self-initiated, community-oriented living and the shared responsibility ...
Baugruppen are a values-driven proposition to address the growing housing crisis in the U.S., rather than a profit-motivated one. Residents organize around a ...
Baugruppe von www.archdaily.com
24.03.2023 · Baugruppen combine the advantages of a condo (privately-owned units) with those of a housing cooperative (shared-ownership of communal spaces).
Baugruppe or Baugruppen, which translates literally from German as 'building group'; Social production of habitat (internationally used); Projets d'habitat ...
Baugruppen {Substantiv} · structural components · assembly units {Subst.} Baugruppen (auch: Aggregate).
Baugruppe von www.theurbanist.org
03.04.2017 · Baugruppe (singular) is a German term, meaning 'building group'–just like it sounds. I prefer a less literal but more evocative translation: ' ...
Baugruppe von www.treehugger.com
The co-housing or baugruppen model provides for independence, but also for co-operation, where resident/owners take care of each other and the building. Many ...
Baugruppe von grist.org
08.08.2013 · Eliason introduces baugruppen here. The basic idea is that a group of people comes together to work directly with architects and designers, ...