

Ein Butterbrot ist eine mit Butter bestrichene Scheibe Brot. In Teilen Deutschlands bezeichnet das Wort Butterbrot umgangssprachlich eine belegte Scheibe Brot, wobei Butter nicht zum Belag gehören muss. Zum sicheren Transport kann eine Brotbüchse... Wikipedia
Herkunft: Deutschland
Zutaten: Brot, butter
Weitere Fragen
Butterbrot von en.wikipedia.org
In German cuisine, Butterbrot is a slice of bread topped with butter. Also known as boterham in Dutch speaking countries, it is still considered Butterbrot ...
Butterbrot von www.germanfoodguide.com
Butterbrot is the German word for a slice of bread smeared with butter. One can think of these as sandwiches. However, in the German cuisine, they are most ...
Butterbrot von www.craftbeering.com
Bewertung (12) · 5 Min.
Butterbrot translates to butter(ed) bread from German. It is a simple open-faced sandwhich - a slice of bread, generously buttered and topped with savory or ...
07.10.2023 · It's a basic meal with bread and toppings. Why is there no Russian word for it? For sure Russians had this kind of meal before they heard about "Butterbrot"?
Noun · A slice of bread topped with butter and often other toppings; an open sandwich. Synonyms: belegtes Brot, (colloquial, Westphalia) Bütterken · A sandwich ...
16.02.2015 · Similar to a minimalist version of Danish Smørrebrød, Butterbrot is a single slice of buttered bread, usually with a single topping.
Butterbrot von foodfromgermany.wordpress.com
08.06.2024 · A Butterbrot translates directly to “buttered bread.” It's an open-faced sandwich made by generously buttering a slice of bread and topping it with savory or ...
Butterbrot von www.dw.com
Celebrating the German 'Butterbrot' · It's traditional fare for young and old alike: A slice of fresh bread spread with nothing but butter. · Single topping.
Butterbrot von fondofoods.com
19.04.2021 · Butterbrot is a German word that literally means butter bread (aka bread with butter) and describes a slice of bread topped with butter.