Free Dynamic DNS and Managed DNS Provider trusted since 1999 with 100% uptime history. Our Free DDNS service points your dynamic IP to a free static ...
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Dynamisches DNS

Dynamisches DNS, DDNS oder DynDNS ist eine Technik, um Domains im Domain Name System dynamisch zu aktualisieren. Der Zweck ist, dass ein Computer nach dem Wechsel seiner IP-Adresse automatisch und schnell den dazugehörigen Domaineintrag ändert. Wikipedia
Dynamic DNS (DDNS) is a service that keeps the DNS updated with a web property's correct IP address, even if that IP address is constantly being updated.
Dynamic DNS (DDNS) is an extension of DNS that automatically updates IP addresses associated with domain names in real time. It expands the capabilities of DNS.
Dynamic DNS (DDNS) is a method of automatically updating a name server in the Domain Name System (DNS), often in real time, with the active DDNS ...
DDNS, most commonly known as Dynamic DNS, is an automatic method of refreshing a name server. It can dynamically update DNS records without the need for ...
A simple subscription with a simple monthly or yearly price. And if you need more connections you can add them whenever you want.
Dynamic DNS (DDNS) services keep Domain Name System (DNS) records updated with the correct IP address for websites, devices, APIs, and other web-connected ...
DDNS Value Pricing. Best value pricing. We take pride in our contribution towards the online community and offer services at little or no cost. Dynamic DNS ...
No-IP Free Dynamic DNS is our entry level service. Use yourname.no-ip.info instead of a hard to remember IP address or URL to access your computer remotely.
Dynamic DNS, or DDNS, is a service that provides a mapping between a hostname, such as www.yourcompany.com, and your IP address. What are the benefits of DDNS?