DNS, or the domain name system, is the phonebook of the Internet, connecting web browsers with websites. Learn more about how DNS works and what DNS servers ...
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Domain Name System

Domain Name System

Das Domain Name System, deutsch Domain-Namen-System, ist ein hierarchisch unterteiltes Bezeichnungssystem in einem meist IP-basierten Netz zur Beantwortung von Anfragen zu Domain-Namen. Das DNS funktioniert ähnlich wie eine Telefonauskunft. Der... Wikipedia
Ports: 53/UDP; 53/TCP; 853/TCP (nur mit TLS, RFC 7858); 853/UDP (nur mit DTLS, RFC 8094)
Standards: RFC 1034 (1987); RFC 1035 (1987)
Das Domain Name System, deutsch Domain-Namen-System, (DNS) ist ein hierarchisch unterteiltes Bezeichnungssystem in einem meist IP-basierten Netz zur ...
The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical and distributed name service that provides a naming system for computers, services, and other resources in ...
A free, global DNS resolution service that you can use as an alternative to your current DNS provider.
DNS, or the Domain Name System, translates human readable domain names (for example, www.amazon.com) to machine readable IP addresses (for example,
DNS servers translate domain names into IP addresses, enabling DNS clients to reach the origin server. Learn about the different types of DNS servers.
22.09.2022 · Configure your network settings to use Google Public DNS. When you use Google Public DNS, you are changing your DNS "switchboard" operator ...
DNS is a hierarchical naming system that allows communication across networked devices, translating domain names we know to computer-friendly IP addresses.
A Domain Name System (DNS) turns domain names into IP addresses, which allow browsers to get to websites and other internet resources. Every device on the ...
The domain name system (DNS) is a naming database in which internet domain names are located and translated into Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. The domain ...