Demodulation is extracting the original information-bearing signal from a carrier wave. A demodulator is an electronic circuit (or computer program in a software-defined radio) that is used to recover the information content from the modulated carrier wave.
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Demodulation ist die Wiedergewinnung des Nutzsignals im Basisband, das zuvor durch Modulation auf einen Träger aufmoduliert wurde. Dazu ist, abhängig von der Modulationsart und von der Belegung des Frequenzbandes mit parallelen Übertragungen,... Wikipedia
Demodulation von www.geeksforgeeks.org
23.05.2024 · Demodulation is the technique to recover the original signal from the modulated signal. The demodulation is done with the help of a demodulator.
The process of separating the original information or SIGNAL from the MODULATED CARRIER. In the case of AMPLITUDE or FREQUENCY MODULATION it involves a device, ...
30.01.2017 · The audio content from a received AM radio wave can be recovered or demodulated by using a diode to rectify the signals and extract the audio ...
The purpose of complex demodulation is to isolate a fairly narrow frequency band and describe it as a sinusoid that can be modulated in amplitude.