
Aussprache lernen dis·si·dent

a person who opposes official policy, especially that of an authoritarian state.
"a dissident who had been jailed by a military regime"
Synonyme: dissenter, objector, protester, disputant, freethinker, nonconformist, independent thinker, rebel, revolutionary, recusant, renegade, subversive, agitator, insurgent, insurrectionist, insurrectionary, disruptor, mutineer, refusenik

in opposition to official policy.
"there is only one explicitly dissident voice to be heard"
Synonyme: dissentient, dissenting, disagreeing, opposing, opposed, opposition, objecting, protesting, complaining, rebellious, rebelling, revolutionary, recusant, nonconformist, noncompliant

Weitere Fragen


Dissident bezeichnet einen unbequemen Andersdenkenden, der öffentlich gegen die allgemeine Meinung oder politische Regierungslinie aktiv auftritt. Wikipedia
vor 3 Tagen · The meaning of DISSIDENT is disagreeing especially with an established religious or political system, organization, or belief.
A dissident is a person who actively challenges an established political or religious system, doctrine, belief, policy, or institution.
adjective. disagreeing or dissenting, as in opinion or attitude: a ban on dissident magazines.
a person who strongly disagrees with and publicly criticizes a government or the official rulings of a group or organization: Union dissidents have challenged ...
Dissidents are people who disagree with and criticize their government, especially because it is undemocratic. ...political dissidents.
DISSIDENT meaning: someone who strongly and publicly disagrees with and criticizes the government.
​a person who strongly disagrees with and criticizes their government, especially in a country where this kind of action is dangerous. political dissidents ...
a person who believes, teaches, or advocates something opposed to accepted beliefs the conference drew political dissidents of every ilk.