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Mit EOF (End of File) wird das Ende einer Quelle signalisiert, welche in der Regel eine Datei oder ein Datenstrom ist. In ISO-C können Datei- und IO-Operationen einen Wert zurückgeben, der dem symbolischen EOF entspricht und damit anzeigt, dass das Ende erreicht wurde.
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End of File

End of File

Mit EOF wird das Ende einer Quelle signalisiert, welche in der Regel eine Datei oder ein Datenstrom ist. In ISO-C können Datei- und IO-Operationen einen Wert zurückgeben, der dem symbolischen EOF entspricht und damit anzeigt, dass das Ende... Wikipedia
Graduate Eligibility · Must demonstrate an educationally and economically disadvantaged background · Must be a New Jersey resident 12 consecutive months prior ...
In computing, end-of-file (EOF) is a condition in a computer operating system where no more data can be read from a data source. The data source is usually ...
Returns an Integer containing the Boolean value True when the end of a file opened for Random or sequential Input has been reached. Syntax. EOF( filenumber ).
The New Jersey Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) provides financial assistance and support services such as counseling, tutoring, and developmental ...
NAME. eof - Check for end of file condition on channel. SYNOPSIS. eof channelId. DESCRIPTION. Returns 1 if an end of file condition occurred during the most ...
EOF assists low-income residents who are capable and motivated but lack adequate preparation for college study. Helping students succeed and graduate, the EOF ...
The Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) at County College of Morris provides a gateway to higher education for students who need academic and financial support.
In climate studies, EOF analysis is often used to study possible spatial modes (ie, patterns) of variability and how they change with time (e.g., the North ...
EOF offers academic and financial assistance to qualifying New Jersey residents from backgrounds of educational and economic need who demonstrate strong ...