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Enallagma von de.m.wikipedia.org
Die Becherjungfern (Enallagma) sind eine Gattung der Schlanklibellen (Coenagrionidae) innerhalb der Kleinlibellen (Zygoptera). Becherjungfern haben ihren ...
Enallagma von en.m.wikipedia.org
Enallagma is a genus of damselflies in the family Coenagrionidae commonly known as bluets. Bluets can be distinguished from the similar vivid dancer by wing ...


Die Becherjungfern sind eine Gattung der Schlanklibellen innerhalb der Kleinlibellen. Becherjungfern haben ihren Verbreitungsschwerpunkt auf dem amerikanischen Doppelkontinent und sind dort überwiegend ... Wikipedia
Ordnung: Libellen (Odonata)
Wissenschaftlicher Name: Enallagma
Niedrigere Klassifizierungen
Largest genus in family Coenagrionidae. (2) Nearctica.com lists 35 North American species. Odonata of North America lists 37 species.
Enallagma von wiatri.net
The northern bluet is found usually at ponds, marshes, and some slow streams. Common in Wisconsin, it ranges throughout Canada and northern United States, ...
Enallagma cyathigerum (common blue damselfly, common bluet, or northern bluet) is a species found mainly between latitudes 40°N and 72°N. The species can ...
Enallagma von animaldiversity.org
Physical Description · Average mass: males: 0.032 g, females: 0.046 g: oz · Range length: 28 to 36.6 mm: 1.10 to 1.44 in · Range wingspan: 17 to 22 mm: 0.67 to ...
An online resource devoted to North American insects, spiders and their kin, offering identification, images, and information.
With the exception of winterkill lake species (Enallagma ebrium), species in lakes with fish (E. geminatum, E. hageni) and fishless lake species (E. boreale, E.
Generally, males are bright blue while the females are green or yellow-green or blue. There are some species that are yellow-orange, a mix of various colors, or ...
38 species in North America. Enallagma is a difficult genus to identify as larvae despite the numerous species. It is very similar to Coenagrion and Ischnura.