

Als Fatalismus bezeichnet man eine Weltanschauung, der zufolge das Geschehen in Natur und Gesellschaft durch eine höhere Macht oder aufgrund logischer Notwendigkeit vorherbestimmt ist. Aus der Sicht von Fatalisten sind die Fügungen des Schicksals... Wikipedia
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a person who believes that all events are inevitable, so one's choices and actions make no difference: Protest or not, the odds seem ...
16.04.2024 · The meaning of FATALISM is a doctrine that events are fixed in advance so that human beings are powerless to change them; also : a belief in ...
Fatalism is a family of related philosophical doctrines that stress the subjugation of all events or actions to fate or destiny, and is commonly associated ...
In philosophy, a fatalist is someone who holds specific beliefs about life, destiny, and the future. Fatalists share the certainty that fate has already been ...
someone who believes that people cannot change the way events will happen and that events, especially bad ones, cannot be avoided: " ...
18.12.2002 · Though the word “fatalism” is commonly used to refer to an attitude of resignation in the face of some future event or events which are ...
​a person who believes that events are decided by fate and cannot be controlled; a person who accepts that they cannot prevent something from happening.
Fatalism is the attitude which accepts that whatever happens has been bound or decreed to happen.
02.09.2019 · Fatalism can more generally be defined as the propensity of individuals or groups to believe that their destinies are ruled by an unseen power ...
having or showing a belief that the future is determined and cannot be changed His fatalistic outlook resulted in a lack of motivation to pursue a career.