Enthält auch Ergebnisse für Hotfixes
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Ein Hotfix ist das Ergebnis der schnellen Fehlerbeseitigung eines Herstellers, der Prozess zur schnellstmöglichen Fehlerbeseitigung wird als Hotfixing bezeichnet. Der Unterschied zwischen einem Hotfix und einem Bugfix liegt in der Geschwindigkeit der Fehlerbeseitigung.
Weitere Fragen
Hotfix leitet sich aus den beiden englischen Wörtern hot – heiß und to fix – reparieren ab. Es handelt sich also wörtlich um eine „heiße“ (hier im Sinne von ...
A hotfix is code -- sometimes called a patch -- that fixes a bug in a product. Users of the product might be notified by email or obtain information about new ...
A hotfix is a change made to the game deemed critical enough that it cannot be held off until a regular content patch. Hotfixes require only a server-side ...
29.06.2022 · A hotfix is a quick correction to address a bug or defect and typically bypasses the normal software development process. Hotfixes are typically ...
Patching or hotfixing a database involves making an often time critical change directly in production. For example, you might add an index directly to a ...
24.11.2020 · Hotfixes are applied only after the product has been released and is live. Summing up the fixes. What are bug bounties? As software increases in ...
Pushing a hotfix via Git is the only way to push code directly to Live without having to go through Dev and Test. Hotfixing is not a best practice and any ...
Sometimes, code updates that are deployed to your production Site Factory websites may contain one or more problems.
17.01.2024 · Abstract:A hot fix is an improvement to a specific time-critical issue deployed to a software system in production. While hot fixing is an ...