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Interregnum (lateinisch für „Zwischenregierung“; Plural: Interregna) bezeichnet eine Übergangsregierung oder den Zeitraum, in dem eine solche herrscht; insbesondere in Wahlmonarchien die Zeit zwischen dem Abdanken oder Ableben eines Regenten und der Amtsaufnahme seines Nachfolgers.
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Interregnum bezeichnet eine Übergangsregierung oder den Zeitraum, in dem eine solche herrscht; insbesondere in Wahlmonarchien die Zeit zwischen dem Abdanken oder Ableben eines Regenten und der Amtsaufnahme seines Nachfolgers. In der Geschichte... Wikipedia
An interregnum (plural interregna or interregnums) is a period of discontinuity or "gap" in a government, organization, or social order.
The meaning of INTERREGNUM is the time during which a throne is vacant between two successive reigns or regimes. Did you know?
From 1649 to 1660, England was therefore a republic during a period known as the Interregnum ('between reigns'). A series of political experiments followed, as ...
INTERREGNUM Bedeutung, Definition INTERREGNUM: 1. a period when a country or organization does not have a leader 2. a period when a country or….
Interregnum describes the period between the reigns of two leaders. If you're a rebel leader, you may try to gain power during an interregnum.
Interregnum definition: an interval of time between the close of a sovereign's reign and the accession of their normal or legitimate successor.
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On a hopeless battlefield that same general, now a mercenary captain tortured by the events of his past, stumbles across hope in the form of a young man begging ...
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Interregnum by Usurpress, released 23 February 2018 1. A Place In The Pantheon 2. Interregnum 3. In Books Without Pages 4. Late in the 11th Hour 5.
The Papal Interregnum is an expression derived from Latin which means the period between the reign of one Pope and another. It is the time of the vacancy of the ...