
Aussprache lernen it·er·a·tion

the repetition of a process or utterance.
"what is the use of this constant iteration of the same things?"

Weitere Fragen
The meaning of ITERATION is version, incarnation. How to use iteration in a sentence.


Iteration beschreibt allgemein einen Prozess mehrfachen Wiederholens gleicher oder ähnlicher Handlungen zur Annäherung an eine Lösung oder ein bestimmtes Ziel. Mit dieser Bedeutung erstmals in der Mathematik verwendet, ist der Begriff heute in... Wikipedia
Iteration is the repetition of a process in order to generate a (possibly unbounded) sequence of outcomes. Each repetition of the process is a single ...
ITERATION meaning: 1. the process of doing something again and again, usually to improve it, or one of the times you…. Learn more.
a development strategy that involves a cyclical process of refining or tweaking the latest version of a product, process, or idea to make a subsequent version:.
An iteration is a repetition of something. Your nagging friend's message might be lost on you after the umpteenth iteration.
An iteration is a timebox during which development takes place. The duration may vary from project to project and is usually fixed.
a development strategy that involves a cyclical process of refining or tweaking the latest version of a product, process, or idea to make a subsequent version: ...
Synonyms for ITERATION: repetition, repeat, replay, replication, reiteration, renewal, reprise, duplication, redo, reduplication.
it·er·a·tion ... n. 1. The act or an instance of iterating; repetition. 2. A form, adaption, or version of something: the latest iteration of a popular app. 3.
Recital or performance a second time; repetition. A variation or version. quotations ▽. The architect drafted several iterations of the floorplan ...