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Aussprache lernen jar·gon

special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand.
"legal jargon"
Synonyme: specialized language, technical language, slang, cant, idiom, argot, patter, patois, vernacular, computerese, legalese, bureaucratese, journalese, psychobabble, unintelligible language, obscure language, gobbledygook, gibberish, double Dutch, lingo, -speak, -ese, mumbo jumbo, geekspeak

Weitere Fragen


Als Jargon [ oder ] – auch Slang [ oder ] – wird eine nicht standardisierte Sprachvarietät, eine Sondersprache oder ein nicht standardisierter Wortschatz bezeichnet, der in einer beruflich, ... Wikipedia
The meaning of JARGON is the technical terminology or characteristic idiom of a special activity or group. How to use jargon in a sentence.
Jargon or technical language is the specialized terminology associated with a particular field or area of activity. Jargon is normally employed in a ...
In modern management jargon: besides 'doing the things right', one should also be 'doing the right things'. Aus Cambridge English Corpus.
noun · specialized language concerned with a particular subject, culture, or profession · language characterized by pretentious syntax, vocabulary, or meaning.