Ergebnisse für Codein
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Kann zur Behandlung von Schmerzen und Husten eingesetzt werden.
Hohes Sucht- und Abhängigkeitsrisiko. Kann in hoher Dosierung oder in Kombination mit anderen Substanzen, insbesondere Alkohol und illegalen Drogen wie Heroin oder Kokain, zu Atemnot bis hin zum Tod führen.
Verfügbarkeit: Verschreibungspflichtig
Alkohol: Medikament vermeiden, da Wechselwirkungen auftreten können
Wirkstoffklasse: Schmerzmittel
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Weitere Fragen
Codeine is generally not used to treat pain or a cough in children younger than 18 years of age. If your child is currently prescribed a cough and cold medicine ...
Codein has been employed since its discovery in 1832 for various affections accompanied by pain, as a substitute for morphin, which had been in use for.
Codeine is a medication used in the management and treatment of chronic pain. It is in the opioid class of medications. This activity outlines the indications, ...
20.04.2017 · Codeine is used to treat mild to moderate pain and also to reduce coughing. It is usually combined with other medicines, such as acetaminophen, ...
Codeine is an opioid pain-relief medicine used for the short-term relief of mild to moderate pain. · It is not usually recommended for the treatment of chronic ( ...
Codeine is an opiate and prodrug of morphine mainly used to treat pain, coughing, and diarrhea. It is also commonly used as a recreational drug.
Codeine is a naturally occurring low-efficacy opium alkaloid. It is usually prepared for medicinal use by methylation of morphine to give a white crystalline ...
19.10.2023 · Codeine is an opioid pain reliever used to treat mild to moderately severe pain. It is also used, usually in combination with other ...
Codeine is a morphinane alkaloid found in the opium poppy, Papaver somniferum var. album; has analgesic, anti-tussive and anti-diarrhoeal properties.
Codeine is an opioid that is authorised as a painkiller in adults and children. The effect of codeine on pain is due to its conversion into morphine in the ...