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Lampornis von en.wikipedia.org
Mountaingems are a genus of hummingbirds, Lampornis, which inhabit mountainous regions from the south-western United States to the Isthmus of Panama. These are medium-sized to large (10–13 cm) hummingbirds with shortish slightly curved black bills.


Mountaingems sind eine Gattung von Kolibris, Lampornis, die Bergregionen vom Südwesten der Vereinigten Staaten bis zur Landenge von Panama bewohnen. Dies sind mittelgroße bis große Kolibris mit kurzen, leicht gebogenen schwarzen Schnäbeln. Wikipedia (Englisch)
Wissenschaftlicher Name: Lampornis
Niedrigere Klassifizierungen
Die Purpurkehlnymphe (Lampornis calolaemus, früheres Syn.: Lampornis calolaema) ist eine Vogelart aus der Familie der Kolibris (Trochilidae), die in ...
Lampornis von ebird.org
Rather large hummingbird of humid evergreen forest in the mountains of eastern Chiapas and south to western Honduras. Rather inconspicuous in shady ...
Lampornis von birdsoftheworld.org
17.05.2024 · White-throated Mountain-gem inhabits humid montane forests and second growth, usually above 1,500 m, but, perhaps seasonally down to 1,000 m.
The blue-throated hummingbird is usually found near water. Prefers pine-oak forests, but will feed in open areas. They inhabit slightly higher elevations of the ...
Lampornis von www.inaturalist.org
The purple-throated mountaingem (Lampornis calolaemus) is a hummingbird which breeds in the mountains of southern Nicaragua, northern Costa Rica and western ...
Lampornis clemenciae phasmorus: breeds southwestern United States (Chisos Mountains, Texas); populations in central western Nuevo Leon (Mexico) possibly also ...
Lampornis von ebird.org
Medium-sized hummingbird, male mostly green above with purple throat, thin white line behind eye, and bright white belly. Female not quite as colorful but ...
Lampornis von www.inaturalist.org
The white-throated mountaingem (Lampornis castaneoventris) is a hummingbird which breeds in the mountains of western Panama. It is replaced in southern ...