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Lurker (englisch to lurk, lauern, schleichen) ist im Netzjargon eine Bezeichnung für passive, also nur lesende Teilnehmer einer Newsgroup, eines Internetforums oder einer Mailingliste.
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Lurker ist im Netzjargon eine Bezeichnung für passive, also nur lesende Teilnehmer einer Newsgroup, eines Internetforums oder einer Mailingliste. Viele irritiert es, wenn jemand alles mitliest, was sie schreiben, selbst aber nichts über sich... Wikipedia
In Internet culture, a lurker is typically a member of an online community who observes, but does not participate by posting. The exact definition depends ...
vor 6 Tagen · The meaning of LURKER is one that lies hidden in or as if in ambush. How to use lurker in a sentence.
LURKER Bedeutung, Definition LURKER: 1. someone who reads the messages in a chat room without taking part 2. someone who reads the….
22.09.2023 · A lurker is a person who reads discussions on interactive electronic systems such as message boards, newsgroups, or chat rooms, ...
(Internet slang) A user who observes a community rather than participating; someone who reads or takes advantage of content on a website, newsgroup, ...
to lie or wait in concealment, as a person in ambush; remain in or around a place secretly or furtively. · to go furtively; slink; steal.
A lurker is a user who does not participate in an online discussion (e.g., in a chat room), but merely observes the activity.
06.02.2024 · In internet culture, a lurker is an individual known to be part of an online community and who consumes discussion and other community ...
In real life, a lurker is a person who "happens" to overhear the most intimate of conversations and witness some key moments without many people even noticing ...