Meintest du: Makroviren


Makroviren sind Computerviren, die nicht als eigenständiger Code vorliegen, sondern in Form eines Makros. Ein Makro ist ein Programmteil und kann in einem Dokument eingebettet sein. So kann zum Beispiel ein Word-Dokument ein Makro enthalten, das... Wikipedia
Weitere Fragen
Makroviren sind Computerviren, die nicht als eigenständiger (und kompilierter) Code vorliegen, sondern in Form eines Makros. Ein Makro ist ein Programmteil ...
A macro virus is a virus that is written in a macro language: a programming language which is embedded inside a software application.
The macrovirus, also called the Tak Takian macrovirus, was a viral lifeform native to the Delta Quadrant. In 2373, the USS Voyager received a distress call ...
A Office Macrovirus PoC written in VBA incl. PowerShell Dropper. ATTENTION! This program code is malicious and can cause a lot of damage if used incorrectly!
Macro viruses perform the same functions as macros, but they tend to be harmful. For example in March 1999, the Melissa macro virus caused Microsoft to shut ...
This file has been identified as a program that is undesirable to have running on your computer. This consists of programs that are misleading, harmful, or ...
BSL Cyber Security Glossary - Macro virus · Definition · Return to Cyber Security Home.
macrovirus (plural macroviruses). A computer virus written in a macro language. quotations ▽. 2002, Kathleen Sindell, Safety Net: Protecting Your Business ...
Macroviren von memory-beta.fandom.com
A macrovirus was a type of dangerous non-sentient life-form, rarely encountered by Starfleet, naturally hostile to other life.
The macrovirus is a virus native to the Delta Quadrant that first infect the Garan. It started off as a normal, microscopic virus, but evolved into a ...