Die Metamorphose (altgriechisch μεταμόρφωσις metamórphōsis „Umgestaltung, Verwandlung, Umwandlung“), auch Metabolie (μεταβολή metabolḗ „Veränderung“), ist in der Zoologie die Umwandlung der Larvenform zum Adultstadium, dem geschlechtsreifen, erwachsenen Tier (Gestaltwandel).
Weitere Fragen
Metamorphose (Geologie), Umwandlung der mineralogischen Zusammensetzung eines Gesteins; Metamorphose, Umwandlung von Schnee hin zu Gletschereis, siehe Gletscher ...
The meaning of METAMORPHOSE is to change into a different physical form especially by supernatural means. How to use metamorphose in a sentence.
METAMORPHOSE Bedeutung, Definition METAMORPHOSE: 1. to change into a completely different form or type: 2. to change into a completely different….
A man marries an unattractive lesbian in order to avoid deportation. Later, he discovers that his new wife can transform into a new woman each week.
verb (used with object) · to change the form or nature of; transform. Synonyms: transmute, mutate · to subject to metamorphosis or metamorphism.
Metamorphose von metamorphose.gr.jp
メタモルフォーゼはゴシック&ロリータ(ロリィタ)のファッションブランドです♪レースやフリルを沢山使った、キラキラ輝くお洋服やバッグたち☆ある時は可愛く、ある ...
Use the verb metamorphose to describe a total transformation, like an egg into a bird or a seed into a tomato plant. When someone or something changes in ...
To metamorphose or be metamorphosed means to develop and change into something completely different. [formal].
METAMORPHOSE meaning: to change in an important and obvious way into something that is very different to undergo metamorphosis usually + into.