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Aussprache lernen neu·tral

  1. not helping or supporting either side in a conflict, disagreement, etc.; impartial.
    "during the Second World War, Portugal was neutral"
    Synonyme: impartial, unbiased, unprejudiced, objective, without favoritism, open-minded, nonpartisan, nondiscriminatory, disinterested, even-handed, equitable, fair, fair-minded, dispassionate, detached, impersonal, unemotional, clinical, indifferent, removed, uninvolved, uncommitted, unaligned, nonaligned, unaffiliated, unallied, nonallied, nonparticipating, noninterventionist, noncombatant, nonbelligerent, noncombative, nonfighting, antiwar
  2. having no strongly marked or positive characteristics or features.
    "the tone was neutral, devoid of sentiment"
    Synonyme: inoffensive, bland, unobjectionable, unexceptionable, anodyne, unremarkable, ordinary, commonplace, run-of-the-mill, everyday, safe, harmless, innocuous
  3. neither acid nor alkaline; having a pH of about 7.
    "a neutral solution"
  4. electrically neither positive nor negative.
    "live and neutral contacts on plugs"

  1. an impartial or unbiased country or person.
    "Sweden and its fellow neutrals"
  2. a neutral color or shade, especially light gray or beige.
    "classic shades of navy, white, and neutral"
  3. a disengaged position of gears in which the engine is disconnected from the driven parts.
    "she slipped the gear into neutral"
  4. an electrically neutral point, terminal, conductor, or wire.

Neutral® is sustainable wholesale clothing and apparel made with Certified Responsibility™. Certified according to GOTS, Fairtrade, EU Ecolabel, ...
14.04.2024 · The meaning of NEUTRAL is one that is neutral. How to use neutral in a sentence.
neutral adjective (NOT SOMETHING). (of colors) not bright, and therefore not likely to attract attention: He wanted the office painted in neutral colors.
adjective · gray; without hue; of zero chroma; achromatic. · matching well with many or most other colors or shades, as white or beige.
/ˈnutrəl/ · adjective. having no personal preference · adjective. not supporting or favoring either side in a war, dispute, or contest · adjective. possessing ...
Neutral von www.collinsdictionary.com
neutral in American English · 1. not taking part or giving assistance in a dispute or war between others · 2. not aligned with or supporting any side or ...
Neutralität oder neutral (von lateinisch ne-utrum „keines von beiden“) bedeutet unparteiisch, geschlechtslos, ungeladen, ausgewogen, wertfrei und steht für:.
Neutral von www.eatneutral.com
Every product's footprint is made 100% carbon neutral by investing in carbon offsets from dairy projects across the country.
Technology edit · Neutral (usually abbreviated "N"), the state where no gears are selected for a motor vehicle's transmission · Neutral wire, a conductor that ...
Neutral von wearneutralground.com
Neutral Ground is a women's clothing store offering effortless and neutral inspired collections. We offer women's jeans, dresses, jackets, sweaters, ...