
Aussprache lernen no·ta·tion

  1. a series or system of written symbols used to represent numbers, amounts, or elements in something such as music or mathematics.
    "algebraic notation"
    Synonyme: system of symbols, alphabet, syllabary, script, symbols, signs, code, cipher, hieroglyphics
  2. a note or annotation.
    "he noticed the notations in the margin"
    Synonyme: annotation, jotting, inscription, comment, footnote, entry, minute, record, item, memo, gloss, explanation, explication, elucidation, marginalia, exegesis, scholium
  3. short for scale of notation (see scale3 (sense 2 of the noun)).

Weitere Fragen
vor 4 Tagen · The meaning of NOTATION is annotation, note. How to use notation in a sentence.
17.04.2024 · the act of noting, marking, or setting down in writing. a note, jotting, or record; annotation:.
NOTATION meaning: 1. a system of written symbols used especially in mathematics or to represent musical notes: 2. a…. Learn more.
In linguistics and semiotics, a notation system is a system of graphics or symbols, characters and abbreviated expressions, used (for example) in artistic ...
Easy Notation for Everyday Musicians. The best sheet music from MIDI files of any software program and much more. For Windows, Mac, Chromebook and Linux.
Musical notation is any system used to visually represent auditorily perceived music, played with instruments or sung by the human voice through the use of ...
(uncountable) The act, process, method, or an instance of representing by a system or set of marks, signs, figures, or characters.
3 senses: 1. any series of signs or symbols used to represent quantities or elements in a specialized system, such as music or.
Notation is a CLI project to add signatures as standard items in the OCI registry ecosystem, and to build a set of simple tooling for signing and verifying ...
The first dedicated “pre-seed” fund in NYC, based in Brooklyn. We work with product-obsessed teams in the trenches on day 0:00.