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Titel religiöser Führungspersonen
Weitere Fragen
Pastor (lateinisch pastor ‚Hirte') kann je nach Konfession Berufsbezeichnung, informeller Namenszusatz oder informelle Bezeichnung für Geistliche im Dienst einer christlichen Kirche sein.
Pastor von en.wikipedia.org
A pastor is the leader of a Christian congregation who also gives advice and counsel to people from the community or congregation.
09.09.2024 · The meaning of PASTOR is a spiritual overseer; especially : a clergyperson serving a local church or parish. How to use pastor in a ...
Becoming a pastor is a minister that gives spiritual leadership to a congregation or group of people.
A pastor is someone with the authority to lead religious services. Pastors lead church services and help others worship.
A pastor is a Christian who walks with God in their personal life. They feel they are called to serve others in their spiritual and physical needs as ministers.
noun · a clergyman or priest in charge of a congregation · a person who exercises spiritual guidance over a number of people · an archaic word for shepherd.
Pastor von www.amazon.com
Bewertung (117) · 9,00 $
This book is for all who are burdened by the challenges facing the church as well as the turbulence of our times. With infographics, enlightening data, and ...
Pastor von www.instagram.com
Pastor of @therockcitybham, King Of Urban Inspiration, 3x Gospel Artist Of The Year, Booking@pastormikejr.com
A priest who has the cure of souls, that is, who is bound in virtue of his office to promote the spiritual welfare of the faithful by preaching, ...
Resources For Pastors — A place for Christian leaders to connect. Healthy pastors leading healthy churches.
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