
Aussprache lernen re·ten·tion

the continued possession, use, or control of something.
"the retention of deposits by landlords remains an issue"

Weitere Fragen
18.04.2024 · The meaning of RETENTION is the act of retaining : the state of being retained. How to use retention in a sentence.
the ability to keep or continue having something: Officials are focusing on job creation, not job retention.
/rɛˈtɛnʃən/ · noun. the act of retaining something. synonyms: holding, keeping. see moresee less. types: withholding · noun. the power of retaining liquid.
noun · the act of retaining. · the state of being retained. · the power to retain; capacity for retaining. · the act or power of remembering things; memory.
Turn anonymous shoppers into revenue. Retention.com's identity resolution software helps Shopify merchants recover lost shoppers and increase Klaviyo flow ...
The act or power of remembering things. A memory; what is retained in the mind. (medicine) ...