
Aussprache lernen sal·u·ta·tion

a gesture or utterance made as a greeting or acknowledgment of another's arrival or departure.
"we greeted them but no one returned our salutations"
Synonyme: greeting, salute, address, hail, welcome, toast, tribute, homage, obeisance

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Die Grußformel gehört zu den Routineformeln des Phraseologismus. Sie ist eine Wortgruppe, welche eine kommunikative Beziehung zwischen mindestens zwei Gesprächspartnern im Rahmen der Begrüßung signalisiert. Wikipedia
14.03.2024 · The meaning of SALUTATION is an expression of greeting, goodwill, or courtesy by word, gesture, or ceremony. How to use salutation in a ...
A salutation is a greeting used in a letter or other communication. Salutations can be formal or informal. The most common form of salutation in an English ...
SALUTATION meaning: 1. a greeting in words or actions, or the words used at the beginning of a letter or speech 2. a…. Learn more.
a word or phrase serving as the prefatory greeting in a letter or speech, as Dear Sir in a letter or Ladies and Gentlemen in a speech.
A salutation is a greeting, whether it's "Dear sir" in a letter or "Hey there!" in person.
19.03.2021 · A salutation is a word or phrase used for greeting a recipient in business or personal correspondence. Here are the best salutation ...
noun · condemnation · indictment · denunciation · rebuke · censure · reprimand · lecture · correction · sermon · admonition.
a word or phrase serving as the prefatory greeting in a letter or speech, as Dear Sir in a letter or Ladies and Gentlemen in a speech.
[count] : a word or phrase (such as “Gentlemen,” “Dear Sir,” “Dear Madam,” or “To whom it may concern”) that is used to begin a letter.
salutation. noun. An expression, in words or gestures, marking a meeting of persons: greeting, hail, salute, welcome.