Smoking is the practice of inhaling smoke from burning plant material. Nicotine works on your brain to create a relaxing, pleasurable feeling that makes it tough to quit. But smoking tobacco puts you at risk for cancer, stroke, heart attack, lung disease and other health issues.
18. März 2024


Tabakrauchen ist das Inhalieren von Tabakrauch, der durch das Verbrennen tabakhaltiger Erzeugnisse wie Zigaretten, Zigarillos oder Shishatabak entsteht. Zigarren und Pfeifen werden üblicherweise gepafft, dessen ungeachtet auch hier oft vom Rauchen... Wikipedia
Weitere Fragen
Smoking von www.cdc.gov
Smokers are more likely than nonsmokers to develop heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer.1. Estimates show smoking increases the risk:.
Smoking causes cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes emphysema and chronic ...
Smoking von en.m.wikipedia.org
Smoking is one of the most common forms of recreational drug use. Tobacco smoking is the most popular form, being practised by over one billion people globally, ...
31.07.2023 · Cigarette smoking is the most common form of tobacco use worldwide. ... Second-hand smoke is the smoke that fills restaurants, offices, homes, or ...
Smoking von medlineplus.gov
Remember, there is no safe level of tobacco use. Smoking even just one cigarette per day over a lifetime can cause smoking-related cancers and premature death.
Smoking von www.healthline.com
Smoking can cause long-term negative effects on the body, including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Whether smoked or chewed, tobacco is dangerous to ...
Tobacco smoke contains over 70 known cancer-causing chemicals. Smoking harms nearly every organ in your body. Smoking when you are pregnant causes harm to ...
Studies show that smokers get sick more with colds, flu, bronchitis, and pneumonia than nonsmokers. And people with some health conditions, like asthma, get ...