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Aussprache lernen spur

  1. a device with a small spike or a spiked wheel that is worn on a rider's heel and used for urging a horse forward.
  2. a thing that prompts or encourages someone; an incentive.
    "profit was both the spur and the reward of enterprise"
    Synonyme: stimulus, incentive, encouragement, stimulant, stimulation, inducement, impetus, prod, prompt, incitement, goad, fillip, motive, motivation, kick up the backside, shot in the arm
  3. a projection from a mountain or mountain range.
    "it's an easy walk up the spur that leads to the summit"

  1. urge (a horse) forward by digging one's spurs into its sides.
    "she spurred her horse towards the hedge"
  2. give an incentive or encouragement to (someone).
    "her sons' passion for computer games spurred her on to set up a software business"
    Synonyme: stimulate, give the incentive to, act as a stimulus/incentive to, encourage, prompt, propel, prod, induce, impel, motivate, move, galvanize, inspire, urge, drive, egg on, stir, incite, goad, provoke, prick, sting, root on, light a fire under
  3. prune in (a side shoot of a plant) so as to form a spur close to the stem.
    "spur back the lateral shoots"

spur applies to a motive that stimulates the faculties or increases energy or ardor. fear was a spur to ...
vor 6 Tagen · Spur definition: a U-shaped device that slips over and straps to the heel of a riding boot and has a blunt or pointed metal part projecting ...
Spur von www.spur.org
SPUR Sponsors State Housing and Transportation Legislation ... SPUR is co-sponsoring a number of state bills this year and lending advocacy support to many more.
Spur von dictionary.cambridge.org
SPUR meaning: 1. to encourage an activity or development or make it happen faster: 2. to push spurs into the…. Learn more.
vor 6 Tagen · SPUR definition: 1. to encourage an activity or development or make it happen faster: 2. to push spurs into the…. Learn more.
Synonyms for SPUR: stab, dig, poke, prod, goad, nudge, punch, knock; Antonyms of SPUR: disincentive, counterincentive.
SPUR, auch S. P. U. R., war eine avantgardistische Gruppe bildender Künstler, die 1957 in München gegründet wurde und bis 1965 bestand.
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SPUR — the San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association — is a nonprofit public policy organization. We bring people together from across the ...