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Stutthof von de.wikipedia.org
Das KZ Stutthof war ein deutsches Konzentrationslager, 34 Kilometer östlich von Danzig bei Stutthof im Landkreis Danziger Niederung auf dem Gebiet der ...
Stutthof von en.wikipedia.org
Stutthof was the first German concentration camp set up outside German borders in World War II, in operation from 2 September 1939. It was also the last camp ...
KZ Stutthof

KZ Stutthof

Das KZ Stutthof war ein deutsches Konzentrationslager, 34 Kilometer östlich von Danzig bei Stutthof im Landkreis Danziger Niederung auf dem Gebiet der annektierten Freien Stadt Danzig. Das Lager bestand nach vorbereitenden Arbeiten im Juli und... Wikipedia
Befreit von: Rote Armee
Betreiber: Tag des Sieges
Kommandant: Max Pauly, Überfall auf Polen – August 1942; Paul Werner Hoppe, August 1942 – January 1945
Stutthof von encyclopedia.ushmm.org
Stutthof was a civilian internment camp under the Danzig police chief. In November 1941, it became a labor education camp, administered by the German Security ...
Stutthof von www.nationalww2museum.org
09.04.2024 · Stutthof concentration camp was among the sites of horror caught up in this gruesome crescendo to Adolf Hitler's war for racial supremacy.
Stutthof von www.britannica.com
09.09.2024 · First established by the Nazis in 1939 as a camp for civilian war prisoners, Stutthof became a concentration camp in 1942. The Nazis converted ...
20.02.2024 · Conditions in the camp were extremely harsh. Many prisoners died from disease, malnutrition, and poor living conditions. A typhus epidemic swept ...
Stutthof is 34 km from Danzig and was the first concentration camp created by the Nazis outside of the country of Germany (September 2nd. 1939).
Mehrere Tausend Häftlinge wurden während der Räumung des Lagers und den Todesmärschen ermordet. Das Konzentrationslager Stutthof hatte eine Fläche von 120 ha.
Stutthof von www.tripadvisor.com
Bewertung (371)
It was established shortly after the 1 Sep 1939 invasion, first as a prison for Polish defenders and dissidents, later as a labor camp and afterwards for ...
Stutthof von encyclopedia.ushmm.org
Stutthof began as a civilian internment camp under the Danzig police chief and later became a "labor education" camp under the German Security Police.