

Land, Mittlerer Osten
Syrien ist ein Staat in Vorderasien und Teil des Maschrek. Syrien grenzt im Süden an Israel und Jordanien, im Westen an den Libanon und das Mittelmeer, im Norden an die Türkei und im Osten an den Irak. Mit rund 185.000 km² ist Syrien ungefähr halb... Wikipedia
Hauptstadt: Damaskus
Offizielle Sprache: Arabisch
Kontinent: Asien
Staatliche Struktur: Totalitarismus, Einheitsstaat und Semipräsidentielles Regierungssystem
Präsident: Baschar al-Assad
Bevölkerung: 22,13 Millionen (2022)
Fläche: 71.498 mi²

Weitere Fragen
Syria von en.wikipedia.org
Syria, officially the Syrian Arab Republic, is a country in West Asia located in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Levant.
Syria von www.britannica.com
Syria, country located on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea in southwestern Asia. The capital is Damascus. Find a geographical and historical ...
Syria von www.state.gov
The United States is the largest single donor to the humanitarian response in Syria, providing over $12.2 billion in humanitarian assistance.
Syria von www.hrw.org
They live in life-threatening conditions. Hundreds of children have died from preventable diseases, accidents, and camp violence, including attacks by ISIS ...
Syria von www.cia.gov
vor 4 Tagen · Approximately 6.7 million Syrians were internally displaced as of 2022, and 14.6 million people were in need of humanitarian assistance across ...
Latest news from Syria as covered by the Guardian. News and stories about the country, people and politics.
The Syria crisis, currently in its 13th year, remains the largest displacement crisis in the world, with over 12 million Syrians forcibly displaced.
Stay up to date on the state of human rights in Syria with the latest research, campaigns and education material from Amnesty International.
Israeli attack kills at least 18 people in central Syria: Health minister. Syrian security source says Israeli 'aggression' coming from Lebanese airspace ...