In the United States, ticks can spread germs that make people sick. Learn where ticks live, how to prevent tick bites, and what to do after a tick bite.
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Tick von en.wikipedia.org
Ticks are external parasites, living by feeding on the blood of mammals, birds, and sometimes reptiles and amphibians.
Tick von dph.illinois.gov
This key is intended to aid in the identification of unfed ADULT ticks. Ticks shorter than 3mm (1/8-inch) are usually immature and more difficult to identify.


Die Zecken sind eine Ordnung der Milben, die der Überordnung Parasitiformes zugeordnet werden. Unter den Zecken finden sich die größten Milbenarten. Alle Arten sind blutsaugende Ektoparasiten an Wirbeltieren, darunter auch dem Menschen. Wikipedia
Wissenschaftlicher Name: Ixodida
Klasse: Spinnentiere (Arachnida)
Ordnung: Zecken
Stamm: Gliederfüßer (Arthropoda)
Überordnung: Parasitiformes
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Ticks are tiny parasites found in wooded areas. They bite people and animals and may spread disease.
Tick von medlineplus.gov
24.06.2024 · What are ticks? Ticks are small parasites. They may look like insects, but they have eight legs and are related to spiders.
Diseases most commonly transmitted by ticks in NYS include Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted fever, and Powassan ...
Ticks are small, spider-like creatures. Get advice on tick bites, including how to prevent tick bites and how to remove ticks.