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Ich will Torgos, den König der Knochenpeitscher tot sehen! Vor nicht allzu langer Zeit, als ich beim Rhazeversteck am westlichen Ende der Wüste auf Jagd war, ...
I speak of Torgos, king of the bonelashers, who circles over Veil Rhaze on the western edge of the wastes. Too bad that there's an arakkoan scarecrow there, ...
Der Ohrengeier (Torgos tracheliotos, Syn.: Aegypius tracheliotus) ist ein sehr großer Vertreter der Altweltgeier (Aegypiinae).
The lappet-faced vulture or Nubian vulture (Torgos tracheliotos) is an Old World vulture belonging to the bird order Accipitriformes, which also includes ...
Torgos is the lord of the Outland carrion birds. He can be seen flying through the air high above the Bone Wastes in Terokkar Forest. The quest N ...
Torgo's Lodge offers accommodation in Namibia with 10 units scattered amongst the Camelthorn trees alongside the Aoub riverbed. Each unit has two ¾ beds with ...
I speak of Torgos, king of the bonelashers, who circles over Veil Rhaze on the western edge of the wastes. Too bad that there's an arakkoan ...
Torgos is a level 15-30 Elite creature in the Carrion Bird family. It can be tamed by hunters. Location & Notes: Located in Veil Rhaze, Terokkar Forest.