

In den Bereichen Geometrie und Biochemie ist eine Tripelhelix ein Satz von drei kongruenten geometrischen Helices mit derselben Achse, die sich durch eine Translation entlang der Achse unterscheiden. Das bedeutet, dass jede der Wendeln den... Wikipedia (Englisch)
Triple-Helixe von en.wikipedia.org
A triple helix ( pl. : triple helices) is a set of three congruent geometrical helices with the same axis, differing by a translation along the axis.
Weitere Fragen
The triple helix model of innovation refers to a set of interactions between academia (the university), industry and government, to foster economic and ...
A triple helix refers to the structure formed by the binding of a third strand to a duplex DNA through Hoogsteen base pairing, involving stable triplex ...
Triple-Helixe von anatcohen.bandcamp.com
This album blows me away! Great from start to finish, and with a nice variety but cohesiveness too. Sure to put a smile on your face!
Welcome to... The Triple Helix. At. The Johns Hopkins University. About Us Science In Society Review Our Team Events E-Publishing.
Triple Helix helps CT companies organize their business data, access it more easily and analyze it more thoroughly for better business decision making.
16g Titanium Triple Helix internally threaded trio - pure piercings. Quick view. Set of Swarovski Crystal Helix Piercings 16g. Regular Price $44.95.
Triple-Helixe von dnalc.cshl.edu
Linus Pauling's triple-stranded DNA model was a catalyst for James Watson and Francis Crick to solve the structure of DNA.
The International Triple Helix Institute (ITHI) was born in Aug., 2008, aiming at improving the research and consulting in creativity, innovation and ...
In a space often fraught with polarization and factions, Triple Helix emphasizes unity behind common goals and commitment to shared values.