Meintest du: WYSIWYG


WYSIWYG ist das Akronym für den Grundgedanken „What You See Is What You Get“ – auch als Echtzeitdarstellung bekannt. Bei echtem WYSIWYG wird ein Dokument während der Bearbeitung am Bildschirm genauso angezeigt, wie es bei der Ausgabe über ein... Wikipedia
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refers to software that allows content to be edited in a form that resembles its appearance when printed or displayed as a finished product.
WYSIWYG Web Builder has a huge set of tools for both beginners and professional designers/developers. · One Click Publishing. No external FTP program needed.
The meaning of WYSIWYG is a display generated by word-processing or desktop-publishing software that exactly reflects the document as it would appear in its ...
WYSIWYG (pronounced wiz-ee-wig) is a type of editing software that allows users to see and edit content in a form that appears as it would when displayed on ...
WYSIWYG is an acronym for What You See Is What You Get. In computing and web design, this refers to an editing software whose user interface displays a true ...
wysiwyg is an all in one lighting design software with CAD, integrated paperwork, plots and visualization. wysiwyg is tailored for multi-level users and has ...
26.12.2023 · WYSIWYG stands for “what you see is what you get.” The term refers to the ability of software to show users exactly how every content type will look.
24.04.2024 · The WYSWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor allows you to create content with word processor-like formatting.
Rock-solid, Free WYSIWYG Editor with Collaborative Editing, 200+ features, Full Documentation and Support. Trusted by 20k+ companies.
The WYSIWYG Viewer is a separate application that allows non-WYSIWYG users to view and print your WYSIWYG (.wyg) files. It is beneficial to those individuals ...