

Wardriving ist das systematische Suchen nach Wireless Local Area Networks mit Hilfe eines Fahrzeugs. Der Begriff leitet sich von Wardialing ab, einer Methode, mittels Durchprobieren vieler Telefonnummern offene Modem-Zugänge zu finden. Wikipedia
Weitere Fragen
Wardriving is the act of searching for Wi-Fi wireless networks as well as cell towers, usually from a moving vehicle, using a laptop or smartphone.
Wardriving in cyber security is the act of looking for publicly accessible Wi-Fi networks, usually from a moving vehicle, using a laptop or smartphone.
23.01.2023 · War driving is driving around while logging the signal strength, frequency, security parameters, and other metadata. This can provide a lot of ...
WarDriving is a collection of information and resources pertaining to the activity of driving around in a car searching and pinpointing the location of ...
Bewertung (4.783) · Kostenlos · Android
Open source network observation, positioning, and display client from the world's largest queryable database of wireless networks.
25.04.2024 · Wardriving is a way of mapping access points to help in finding open access networks for free Internet connectivity and mapping networks in your area.
30.03.2023 · Wardriving is the act of searching for open Wi-Fi wireless networks by driving around an area using a Wi-Fi-enabled device (such as a laptop or ...
Wardriving is a practice where individuals search for wireless networks, particularly those with vulnerabilities while moving around an area, typically in ...
Maps and database of 802.11 wireless networks, with statistics, submitted by wardrivers, netstumblers, and net huggers.