The Meaning of Web Interface/Web UI In simpler terms, a web interface is the look and feel of a website or application you use through your web browser. It's everything you can click, type into, or navigate through online.
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Web-Interface von diib.com
10.11.2020 · Your web interface is your client user interface enabling you to connect to your access server through your VPN connection. This is how you are ...


Als Webinterface bezeichnet man eine Schnittstelle zu einem System, die über das Hypertext Transfer Protocol angesprochen werden kann. Dabei handelt es sich um eine grafische Benutzeroberfläche, über die ein Benutzer mit Hilfe eines Webbrowsers... Wikipedia
Web-Interface von www.sciencedirect.com
A Web user interface or Web app allows the user to interact with content or software running on a remote server through a Web browser. The content or Web page ...
(1) See Web user interface. (2) A programming interface that applications use to access services in a Web server. See Web services and API.
Web-Interface von www.g2.com
09.06.2022 · A web user interface permits users to interact with software and other content running through a web browser.
Extensive web interface to dig for doing online dns lookup / nameserver query.
The ArangoDB server (arangod) comes with a built-in web interface for administration. It lets you manage databases, collections, documents, users, graphs and ...
Web-Interface von doc.owncloud.com
By default, the ownCloud Web interface opens to your Files page. You can add, remove, share files and make changes based on the access privileges set by you ...
Charles has a web interface that enables you to control Charles from a browser, or using an external program using the web interface as a web service.