

Das Wilkesland ist der größte Bereich des Australischen Antarktis-Territoriums der östlichen Antarktis. Es grenzt an den Indischen Ozean und liegt zwischen der Queen-Mary-Küste und dem Adélieland. Wikipedia
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Wilkes-Land von en.wikipedia.org
Wilkes Land is a large district of land in eastern Antarctica, formally claimed by Australia as part of the Australian Antarctic Territory, ...
Wilkes-Land von www.britannica.com
16.04.2024 · Wilkes Land, region in Antarctica, bordering the Indian Ocean between Queen Mary and George V coasts (100°–142°20′ E). The region is almost ...
Wilkes-Land von en.wikipedia.org
Wilkes Land crater is an informal term that may apply to two separate cases of conjectured giant impact craters hidden beneath the ice cap of Wilkes Land, ...
Wilkes-Land von earth-planets-space.springeropen.com
17.08.2018 · A giant impact crater beneath the Wilkes Land ice sheet was first proposed by Schmidt (1962); the hypothesis was developed by Weihaupt (1976), ...
Wilkes-Land von icestories.exploratorium.edu
By drilling into deep ocean sediments along Antarctica, scientists hope to uncover the earth's climate history from a time when East Antarctica was largely ice- ...
Wilkes-Land von kids.britannica.com
Wilkes Land is a region of Antarctica. The region borders the Indian Ocean and is almost entirely covered by the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS).
On this evidence, Wilkes suggested the existence of an antarctic continent and the lands were long referred to collectively as Wilkes Land. D'Urville at the ...
Wilkes believed that he sighted the Antarctic Continent on January 16, 1840, at about 158° East longitude. On January 19, however, he states that "land was now ...
Wilkes-Land von captainantarctica.com.au
It is buried under 800 metres of ice and is known as the Wilkes LandGravity Anomaly, centred on north central Wilkes Land in Antarctica. This impact is ...